Did you realize it can sometimes take the body up to 96 hours for an immune response to a specific food intolerance?
And unbeknownst to many is the link between specific foods and health problems including headaches, joint pain, low energy, depression, mood swings, digestive problems, eczema, skin irritation, weight gain, chronic sinus drainage etc. Often people suffering don't realize that these symptoms are integrally connected to the foods they are consuming.
The Elimination Diet allows the connection between symptoms and specific foods to be understood by removing common foods potentially causing these symptoms. Reintroduction after removing them allows trigger foods to be identified.
Why the Elimination Diet:
When symptoms and conditions fail to respond to other treatments, the elimination diet can be useful in determining the root cause of symptoms
How it works:
During the initial period, chronic symptoms improve or disappear and the burden on the immune system decreases
Then the body has the ability to heal
After 30 days the patient reintroduces foods one at a time
The foods are observed to identify which is associated with the negative symptoms
Foods that provoke symptoms are avoided for an additional 3-6 months, at which reintroduction is attempted again.
Often after the gut is healed, foods initially causing sensitivities may be reintroduced without symptoms
Features of the Elimination diet:

Identifies food triggers
Identify allergies food sensitivities and intolerances
Reduces inflammation by promoting the ingestion of anti-inflammatory foods.
Supports healthy microbiome, in fact more than 70% of the immune system is around the digestive tract
Phytonutrients heal the gut
Reduces toxic burdens
No caloric restrictions
Promotes body awareness to food as certain foods are reintroduced

Food Substitutions while on the Elimination Diet:

Overall, the elimination diet is an inexpensive and straightforward approach to help determine if there is a connection between symptoms and specific foods. If you are interested in identifying the root cause of your symptoms, an elimination diet might be a great place to start. For more information, questions, or if you would like to speak about the Elimination Diet and how it can benefit you as well as for food sensitivity testing, please look on the GLIM website or book a free intro call today!
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